University of The Bahamas My Foot

Posted by on September 26, 2015 8:47 pm
Categories: Uncategorized

“The liberal arts are those subjects or skills that in classical antiquity were considered essential for a free person to know in order to take an active part in civic life.”

We have been listening to and watching the many press conferences about the College of The Bahamas. It has been quite a laugh in many circles. Those who have attended and received tertiary education in other countries have said privately that they cannot see the College of The Bahamas becoming the University of The Bahamas any time soon.

One only needs to visit the college to easily conclude that it is a continuation of, or rather a “glorified” version of high school. The campus leaves a lot to be desired. I cannot for the life of me understand how COB expects to attract Bahamians who are now working abroad to return to the knee jerk approach to everything.

Image this: A university without a “liberal arts” department. What imbecile would attempt to sell that to the outside world to attract international students? It begs the question, is the College of The Bahamas serious about the University of The Bahamas ever becoming a reality or is this just a game?

I challenge the board of the College of The Bahamas to come clean about the attempt to dump the music, art and French departments. I dare you to say that this is not only being contemplated but also outright discussed.

I cry shame on the facilities that the music department has to operate in. My child has complained about it more than enough. There have been many such cries. It seems no one is listening, or if they are, they simply don’t care. It is an insult to the professionals who have to endure that dump. Not only do they have to teach there, but students are expected to produce results in such an environment.

Education in the Bahamas always seems to get a bum rap; no wonder the average in the Bahamas is D, heading for E.

The government is not serious. That same money that was used to party with during Junkanoo Carnival could have been used to build adequate facilities for the liberal arts.

Stop this obvious mission of pretending to care and invest the necessary monies in the College of The Bahamas to bring that campus up to scratch. Right now, we the parents are not impressed.

It is time for government to get its priorities straight – if education is not a priority, then what is?

– Unsatisfied COB parent